Saturday, January 14, 2012

I want childlike faith!

My husband and I are the proud grandparents of five exceptional grandchildren. One of our granddaughters, Elsa, who was born in Singapore, came into this world with two holes in her heart. During the first 16 months of her life, she was frail, had difficulty eating and cried frequently. In August 2000, she was scheduled for surgery at a hospital in Singapore to repair her heart.

Her parents requested prayer for her at their church. They also claimed the message of a song, written by Don Moen, “I Am the Lord that Healeth Thee,” for their little girl’s healing. Before surgery and during the recovery that followed, they played the song over and over for her to hear. When asked to sing it, she would close her eyes, lift her little head and arms toward heaven and begin to sway, as she sang in her toddler voice:

You are the God that healeth me.
You are the Lord, my Healer.
You sent Your word and healed my disease.
You are the Lord, my Healer.

Tears would come to my eyes when I heard little Elsa sing and worship God. Most likely, she did not understand all the words, but God’s presence was evident each time she sang. God inhabits the praises of his people (Psalm 23:3), and I believe He was enthralled by the worship of this innocent child, full of faith, love and joy. He honored her worship and answered her prayers. She is now a beautiful, healthy young lady!

We must all come to him as a little child (Matthew 18:2-6). Lately, I have been wondering: “What would happen if I worshiped God like little Elsa? Would I experience His presence more? Would I have more joy? Would I see more answers to prayer?” I want childlike faith!

Copyright © 2012

1 comment:

Mel Joy said...

Challenging thoughts! We make faith so difficult sometimes!